MtnRT (TM)
MtnRT (TM) maps allow you to pinpoint the exact location of your operations down to 1.5 km – 1 mile. This product shows the values of temperature, rain, relative humidity from the present day out 4 days in the future.
Sample Surface Temp Map
Sample Relative Humidity Map
Satellite Rain Analysis
The Satellite Rain Analysis is a GIF image that is delivered twice a day at 0630 hrs and 1530 hrs. The area covered is California and the Pacific out to 145 west.
0630 PDT Apr 17, 2004 Sample
1445 PDT Apr 17, 2004 Sample
Ten Day Agriculture Forecast
The Ten Day Agriculture Weather Forecast is delivered as a text file once daily at 0900 hrs.
Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties (to Goleta) Sample
San Diego, Orange and West Riverside Counties Sample
San Joaquin Valley Sample
San Gabriel, San Bernadino Mountains Sample
Santa Maria, San Luis Obispo Sample
Salinas and Watsonville Sample
Thirty Day Outlook
The Thirty Day Outlook is a text file that is delivered every Monday at noon (1200 hrs).
California Ten Day Extended Agriculture Forecast
The California Ten Day Extended Forecast is a text file that is delivered via email daily at 0930 hrs.
Thirty and Ninety Day Outlook
The Thirty and Ninety Day Outlook Maps are GIF Images that cover North America. There are four files that are delivered via email during the first week of every month.
90 Day Rain Sample
90 Day Temperature Sample
To subscribe, please call us at (707) 725-8013